
1. If you are already using starkit package, use the same conda environment of starkit. And do a simple install of wsynphot:

$ source activate starkit
$ pip install git+

2. Else if you are directly using wsynphot for 1st time, then:

$ curl -O
$ conda env create --file starkit_env3.yml -n starkit
$ source activate starkit
$ pip install git+  # some modules of wsynphot like spectrum1d need starkit, so it's better to have it installed already
$ pip install git+

~ For advanced uses, instead of pip installing package, you can clone the repository and use its file. Simply replace the $ pip install git+ used above, by following:

$ git clone
$ cd wsynphot
$ python <CMD>
# <CMD> may be install, develop, build, etc.